Reading a post by Jeff Jarvis on lazy journalism and the easy target of new technology bringing the end of the world as we know it, I was inspired to add my tuppence-worth....
This is the issue that affects much of media. Bias. It has been accepted for decades, if not centuries, that different newspapers will prefer different political parties and will skew the reporting to reflect that. The paper one reads (if you still read dead trees) will usually reflect your political stance and how you vote - certainly in the UK.
Strangely there are still many who believe that editorials in traditional media are more worthy than blogs, which are ultimately editorials by unsponsored individuals. No less coherent or knowledgeable, necessarily. But by not having a behemoth organisation behind the writer, the opinions are for many less relevant.
And so it goes with new technology. If one wants to believe Google is evil, one will self-filter news and articles to focus only on those that conform to one's world-view. Ditto Apple. Ditto Facebook. Ditto the internet. Mobile. Location...
It is frustrating, therefore, for those of us who 'get' technology, to see the myths being repeated time and again by lazy journalists.
I haven't self-filtered the various stories to focus on the Jeff Jarvis one that agrees with me, have I?! ...oh wait...
But heaven forbid that I should ever find a newspaper or site that agreed with me completely.... sometimes one needs naysayers and the small-minded in order to rant and long as everyone does rant and vent and does not simply accept the words of the sponsored without question...
This message has been sponsored by the Campaign for Ranting At the Press.
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