Wednesday 29 April 2009

Is this it?

I've been there with the masses. I've told them about the nirvana that could exist if they simply believed... had faith... in social networking and the strange new relgion called 'Web 2.0'.

But they mocked. They said it wasn't true. The said that it wasn't going to last. They said only the young, the youth, the illiterate and ignorant would embrace it.

To an extent they were right... for now. For they were talking too soon, about the nearly-early-adopters who were not geeks but knew enough to get online.

"But", said the messiah, "what would happen if we explained everything and made it open to everyone? Without charging?"

This was considered heresy by the clericals at Second Life, Twitter, Google and Wikipedia, but, they began to think... maybe that's it?! Maybe we'll have no more free advertising revenue for doing nothing? Maybe the world now needs a sustainable business model? Maybe we need to think about how we can justify the advertising revenue with our disparate, diverse audience?

But maybe not just yet - maybe we can squeeze the lemon just a little more....

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